Wisdom Pairings
Wisdom Pairings
Wisdom Pairings
Join Career Up Now for our first Wisdom Pairings of 2021!
August 26, 2021
TIME: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Dr. Scofflaw's at The Works
214 Chattahoochee Row NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
Career Up Now’s quarterly networking community for personal connection and professional growth. Wisdom Pairings is a reliable space for inspirational learning and invaluable human contact during the pandemic. As our community returns to in-person programming next month...while keeping a virtual component (goin’ hybrid!)...we are thrilled to amplify this important work with our partner The Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta.
Our first Wisdom Pairings with Atlanta Jewish Federation will be Thursday, August 26 (7-9 pm) at Dr. Scofflaw's Brewery at the Works.
7:00 PM Food & Drinks
7:15 PM Welcome & Opening Talk
Renewing Your Personal Professional & Spiritual Life
By Best Selling Author, Global Change Maker, & Career Up Now Founder
Dr. Bradley Caro Cook, Ed.D.
7:30 PM Wisdom Pairings #1 & #2
8:30 PM - 9 PM Closing and Open Networking
$20 in-person (food and drinks included)
Free Online