San Francisco
February 13, 2019
Wisdom Buffet: Listen and Expand Ideas
Applied Jewish Wisdom: Pirke Avot, Mishna 6:6 indicates one of the ways to acquire wisdom is to “שׁוֹמֵעַ וּמוֹסִיף” which translates to "listen and expand ideas."
At this program, individuals will listen to a combination of six to eight entrepreneurs and business leaders share their ideas about a specific topic in a story form.
After each of the entrepreneurs shares their stories, there will be breakout groups with those topics where the expansion of ideas and discussion will occur.
Please email Career Up Now’s Managing Director Bradley Caro Cook Ed.D., to register or to learn more.

6:30pm - Networking at Buffet
7:00pm - Speakers
8:00pm - Breakout Groups
8:30pm - Closing
9:00pm - Program Ends

Russ Holdstein
"Acid Testing" Your Startup
Angel Investor

Brianna Lerman
Switching Jobs to Pursue Your Passions
Strategic Partner Manager, Community Programs at Facebook

Charlene Schachter
CS Philanthropic Consulting

Ilana Kaufman
Jews of Color
Jews of Color Field Building Initiative

Dena Linder
What Does Your DNA
Tell You About You?
Genetic Counselor
Yael Lindenboim
From Technology to
Sex Education
Sex Education

Will Katz
Small Business
Wearer of Many Hats

Glenn Teuber
Google Fi
Operations and Change
Head of Operations
Aaron Katler
Driving Jewish Innovation

Rachel Ernst
Success at Reflective
Gender Balance and Equity in the Workplace
VP Employee

James Heeger
Moishe House
Scaling a Non-Profi
Greg Marcus
Applied Jewish Wisdom
Through Mussar