Wisdom Buffet
Career Up Now
Wisdom Buffet
Career Up Now
Wisdom Buffet
Career Up Now
March 7, 2021
TIME: 9:00 am PST
ZOOM LINK Provided Closer to Event
A Meditation for Freedom
The Jewish holiday of Passover has become a powerful symbol of liberation, freedom and memory. Each year Jews around the world gather to retell the story of our Exodus from Egypt, be it literally, spiritually or perhaps even just metaphorically for some. Regardless of how we interpret or experience this annual holiday, we are called to retell the story each and every year as a reminder of our varying degree of freedom wherever we may be on that journey.
This year will offer an especially poignant opportunity for reflection as we reach the one year mark of Covid.


Sarah Persitz
Sarah Persitz is an Integrative Wellness Coach and Founder of Omanut Collective, a coaching and experience design collective grounded in ancient wisdom and sacred practices.
Through individual and group coaching programs and immersive experiences, Omanut Collective aims to support personal and collective processes that awaken us toward integrated wholeness of mind, body and soul.
Sarah is a graduate of the University of Washington with a degree in Comparative History of Ideas and Certificate in Non-Profit Management. Additional training includes being an ICF Trained Coach, with certifications in the Usui System of Natural Healing and Meditation + Breathwork. She is currently based in Tel Aviv.